This blog has arisen out of the necessity of keeping myself grounded, honest, responsible and sane. In order to do this, I need to write down the examples of how I keep myself all of the above. So, by 'journalling' these examples that keep me healthy, I will acknowledge them, take pride in them, take pride in myself.

After years of extremely bad and self-destructive habits, I'm trying (although obvious to 'normals') very new habits for me, and they seem to be working. The more 'bad' habits I discard and replace with 'good habits' the better I feel.

So this blog is my own little 'road to health' journal.

But if you comment on my posts, my discussions and give me ideas of your own, not only will you inspire and encourage me to try things that have worked for you, but you will begin to acknowledge and recognise what keeps you sane.

This blog has re-arisen like a Phoenix from the Ashes as Life Writ Large on Wordpress by Germaine de Larch - https://germainedelarch.wordpress.com/